The school Library provides information, inculcates ideas, and develops knowledge that is so essential to functioning successfully in today’s information and knowledge based society. It is fundamental to school library to equip students with life long learning skills and develop in them creative thinking and imagination, and enabling them to live as ideal and responsible citizens.

The major objectives of a school library are to:

Effectively participate in the teaching-learning programme of the school.

Providing the students with appropriate library materials both printed as well as audio visual and services for the overall growth and development of the personality of the students as an individual.

Develop reading ability and interest, and inculcate love, enjoyment and pleasure of reading amongst the students.

Assist the students to become skillful and discriminating users of library.

Offering opportunities for experiences in cr

eating and using information for knowledge, understanding, information and enjoyment.

Supporting all students in learning and practicing skills for evaluating and using information, regardless of form, format or medium, including sensitivity to the modes of communication within the community.

Stimulate and guide each student in the selection and use of books and other reading materials for the building of taste at appropriate level of maturity.

Consultation with teachers for the effective use of all types of library materials. 

The details of stock, expenditure, issues, etc., of the library is provided in the following pages;


01.           Library Plinth Area                                    : 851 sq.ft

02.           Seating capacity                                         : 50

03.           Library working days                                 : All working days

04.           Library working hours                                : 07.30 A.M to 04.30 P.M

05.           Library staff                                                : Librarian

06.           Total number of books in the library          : 12,646

07.           Value of the books (Except gift books)      : Rs.16,00,000/-

08.           Number of individual titles                         : 11,790 approx.

09.           Number of books withdrawn from stock         : 1,666

10.           Number of lost books by users                    : 2,582

11.           Net stock of books                                       : 8,398

12.           Number of Periodicals                                 : 29

13.           Number of Dailies                                        : 03

14.           Library software                                           : E-Granthalaya

15.           Users of Library                                            :  1. Class VI to X

           2. Class XI to XII

           3. Teaching &


1 comment:

  1. It is very useful web blog to all students of CBSE 6th class to intermediate.

    Not only NVS students, all other students can utilize this blog.

    thank you very much...
